Neptune Grand Cross: Cartoon Power vs Nuclear Power

Neptune Grand Cross: Cartoon Power vs Nuclear Power

As I read New Zealand's multi-million dollar trade with Iran could be threatened by the publication of controversial cartoons, I think of the whole nuclear scenario, with much laughter. As you know, I have been going on about the alignments of the various planets in a Grand Cross, or in layman terms, when there are at least four Planets or Moon making 90 degree aspect or a plus sign, every week-end. Let it be known, that the ancients valued such alignments with awe, and the connotations are found in Mithraism, and later to be developed and expanded in the Christian Holy Cross, especially when Saturn is involved.

I have mentioned, how the Planet Neptune rules the imaginary or idealisms, such as Islam, and in the mundane world when it comes to Oil, and Art such as Cartoons. So it is really wonderfull to see, how a bunch of cartoons is causing such a stir, at the same time as the nuclear scenario.

The question, that comes to mind of course is, which is more potent. Are the sanctions that Ahmadinejad creates for the Iranian people, in banning trade with any "Cartoon country" as it were, that publishes any funny picture of Mohammed, going to be more potent, than whatever UNSC decides? Actually yes. Ahmadinejad is shooting himself in the foot. This man cares not for money, as he had South Node in Taurus. So he is driven purely by dogma. And that is perfect for Iran. He is the clear and present danger for all non-Islamist Iranians to see. Everything he does is wrong, and thank goodness he is in power.

Regarding UNSC, I think that at most they will just make a pathetic gesture. The multinationals will still have the Chinese buy energy from the alien Islamists, at really low prices, and coupled with slave labour in China, they will continue to bring goods to The West. In return the Islamist regime in Iran, will become like the western Asian version of North Korea, for the Chinese. They will defend western Asia against any "Capitalists", just like the North Koreans are doing in Eastern Asia. They will keep the Iranian petty bourgoise from doing any trade, and become the new multinationals. It will make sure that government contracts are made, and the state sector controls all the affairs. The last thing The West wants, is another country like Japan or Singapore in the form of a new Iran; in which anyone can build their own business, and take on the existing multinationals. Geopolitically highly xenophobic states like the Islamists in Iran, and their equivalent in North Korea, will stop private enterprise, and foster brain drain to The West.

Can you just imagine what would happen, if you had the natural resources of Iran, powering thousands of Iranian businesses from the best location in the world? It would be a nightmare for the multinationals. With the ingenuity of Iranians, and the cheap oil and gas, there are endless amounts of businesses Iranians can do with every country in the world. No, the best way to stop that, would be to create another Stalinist state, but this time an Islamic-Marxist centrally controlled state. Oh that would be the best way the keep young smart Iranians at bay.

Fat chance in your face! The cartoons and the UNSC sanctions will bite away at the Islamists in Iran, more than the ordinary secular Iranians. The secular Iranians have already figured out; that these monsters are sucking every drop of the oil revenue for their Basij army, and the coming of the Mahdi. Your average Iranian is not too interested in all that. They know that they cannot go into the streets and give blood, but they know that the world is open to deal with secular Iranians. As time moves on, the world will begin not only to stop the advance of Islamists, but to support non-Islamist secular projects. Awareness of the world press, and the people of the world, of these Islamists is what is important. As long as the world identifies them as Islamist Iranians, and not as Iranians, these fanatics cannot siphon Iran's oil for their Mahdi, in the name of Iran. Every penny these Islamists take is for their own dogma, and all it has done is to threaten all innocent Iranians, who have a much deeper, older, and a more peaceful human rights heritage.

So what are we to expect of the future? What will the astrology tell us? With Mars now being at 24 degrees Taurus, the Moon will approach it nearer to Mondays. So Western government offices will be open, and more news flow, will move us more quickly. One of the most annoying aspects of all this, was how slow it has all been. This whole nuclear fiasco has dragged on for so long. Why? Because Mars has taken such a long time to go through Taurus. I mentioned all this when Ahmadinejad appeared on the scene. In layman terms, Mars from Earth's perspective was seen to be retrograde, or going backwards for a while, and that slowed this whole process down.

But now we are gathering steam. And I know a lot of you are Gemini fast reading writing journalists, and have no patience. But hey don't worry. When Mars moves into Gemini around the 18th of Feb, you will really get going. It will be the Mondays and Tuesdays, until the end of this month, which will be the sensitive days, when the Grand Cross gives way to a T-Square, and we get out of crisis scenarios. But is it over? No way. Once Mars gets into Leo in first week of June, and Sun aligns opposite Pluto, with Mars joining Saturn in mid June, expect a lot situations. I am not going to dwell into details. Let it be said that a very important chapter will be written in August; when Sun and Saturn begin to oppose Neptune together for the first time, since the creation of the Islamic Republic, and Mars begins to oppose Uranus. It is then, that change will surely come, as they always have in the month of Amordad. And in the light of Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds, it will be a Good change.

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