New Year 2010

New Year 2010

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And a beautiful New Year it was. But it was even more special than normal, because the Moon was full in Cancer, and it was a 'blue moon' as it is called.Full Blue Moon on New years Eve 2010
Blue moon:
Normally our year calendar has 12 full moons in it, one each month, but sometimes we get two full moons in one month, where the second one is called a Blue moon. There are many stories linked to the 'blue Moon' some more fable than others, you will probably also find some folklore about this event.
But indeed it is a special event on a specific night.

Full Moon in Cancer:
It is said that the moon was full in the zodiac sign known as Cancer (but this depends on how you calculate and more, but I will keep to this sign in this post).
In Mundane astrology: Here we find that the Moon stands for: the population, the mood of the people, national security issues, women's issues. And Cancer stands for: agriculture, opposition in parliament, Land, housing.

New Years eve in Copenhagen - Denmark
In ancient Egypt, such an event would have caught the pharaoh's attention. They did not celebrate New Year on the 31 December but rather in the summer months, where Sirius rose from the dark. But they would have seen a full blue moon on the New Year day as something special.

Personal note:
A great start for a new year! Even more interesting is the fact that some people are speaking about the ?Grand cross? that will occur here in the summer of 2010, where we will see the planet Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter and Saturn and Mars at 0-3º Capricorn, Aries and Libra, while inner planets transit at 0-3º Cancer. It might just be that we are in for an enlightening year.

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