Nostradamus's "young black" man states "move Israel".

Nostradamus's "young black" man states "move Israel".

Just like the "wipe-off" comment, this "move Israel" comment will not get a swift rebuff from the Islamic world, especially that it was actually stated in front of all those moslems in Mecca. Some maybe applauded. Surely Ahmadinejad's comments are so off the radar screen of political views, that it will be just regarded as a joke.

And that is exactly what will buy him time. He knows that such outrageous comments are just what will buy him precious months to speed up the nuclear enrichment. He obviously thinks that he is "the one" who is going to be the servant of the 12th Shiite Imam. I found some very interesting interpretation recently by an quatrain of Nostradamus Century III, Quatrain 60

Third world country leader creates strife

A "young dark man" will arise as a leader in a Third World country; his main goal is to unite the other Third World countries to do battle with the superpowers. The area of conflict will be in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, particularly around the Adriatic and the Caspian seas and the eastern Mediterranean. No definite winner will emerge but the strife will help set the stage for the Antichrist. Some prophecies in the Bible refer to events in this region ( Israel will be involved).

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