Protesting with money in Ahmadinejad's Iran

Protesting with money in Ahmadinejad's Iran

Could it be we Iranians are embarking on becoming a capitalist society? Could it be that Iranians will be able to influence change with our pockets, more than in prayer and dillusions of Islam? In contrast ancient Iranians were very realistic, and their holy book Zend-Avesta, believed that Iranians had to build heaven on Earth. And true to that testament, the Teheran Stock Market has suffered greatly ever since Ahmadinejad got elected. Economic realities seems to have finally taken hold, and no Islamist is able to pull wool over Iranians' eyes.

For those non violent Iranians, who live outside Iran, for fear of our lives by those who feel that they have a license to kill as depicted in their so called holy book Koran, it is really refreshing to see some people in Iran reacting to economic realities, and putting their money where their mouth is.

In the west no leader would get elected if the financial community realised that their livelyhood would be seriously effected. The same seems to be happening in Iran. Good. It is about time. As far as I am concerned, maybe the best way to drum some sense into believers in Ahmadinejad's particular unsavoury islamic government, is to just short or sell the stocks in Teheran Stock Exchange. It is painless and without bloodshed. So everyone abroad who knows anyone in Iran should tell people to sell sell, and be ready to buy when the government is really reeling.

Oh and it will be a great buying opportunity for all of us, who think that one day when all these die hard fanatical islamists are gone, Iran will start to rebuild a true pluralistic society with a very strong economy. The potential for Iran is enormous. The fantastic combination of a very young positively motivated population and unlimited supply of energy, and finally the world's best located country at the cross roads of civilizations, give Iran the potential to be the world's most powerful country in the coming millennia. But it will not happen under the threatening attitude of mad mullahs. Iran will have to regain the honour and statute it had in the times of Zoroaster and Cyrus the Great as the bastion of Human Rights. We have to be seen to be people who live with each other peacefully. We have deep in our history and culture, the sources for all the peace and strength to be bring back the glory of Iran.

The Dwindling Tehran Stock Market

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