The Communists in Iran

The Communists in Iran

I remember the days when HIM Shahanshah Aryamehr's paranoia towards communism, made him look as pro-American, and as such, became the vanguard for the Communist Party of Iran, or Tudeh Party.

The recipe worked so well for so long against all monarchs, and United States did not mind; the so called anarchy that developed, the plight of money to United States, was extremely beneficial. Just look at the millions of the richest, most intelligent Iranians that fled Iran to sumptious dwellings in USA. I am sure the United States has a lot to thank the Tudeh Party for. Machiavelli states, "Quo Bene".

It is then with great pleasure, that I read this article by Nima Kamran, who uses all the arguments that the right wing in Europe use against USA. I really have to look very carefully to find anything "Communistic", that good old Marx laying in Hampstead would say, "hmm....that's good".

The argument presented is based on "needs of the US economy". But we have seen for the past few months some major US and EU corporations pulled out of Iran, and the stock markets have gone higher. The so called "energy needs" argument does not wash either; as Iran has made huge commitments to China instead of US. The report attempts to use the various Marxist dictums; to show up the oligarchy of merchants power as being the power structures, that will serve US regional interests, when we hear the Rafsanjani has closest ties to North Korea.

It is important for the Iranians to realise, that many people hide under famous political party banners with illusionary utopias, but say absolutely nothing realistic or useful. The article below is a prime example.

Iranian people oppose foreign intervention

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