The false modesty of Islamist Ahmadinejad appeals to London Times

The false modesty of Islamist Ahmadinejad appeals to London Times

As I have time and time again mentioned, the elitist anti-US or should I say anti US corporation, left wing commentators, will use the so called "humble background" of Ahmadinejad, to drum home their socialist points of view. This time it is The Sunday Times no less.

When one reads these reports, it is more important to realise what the authors leave out, than what they expand on. The Times of London tries to give balanced reports were are led to believe. This report is not balanced. When you read quotes from Ahamdinejad; that he is somehow from humble roots; that he said "I will live in palace only when every Iranian lives in a palace"; it shows down right biased reporting. This thug knows, that if he moves out of his little "Alamout" in southern Iran, he would get gunned down by one of the other rival groups.

Ramita Navai and Tom Walker should know better, than to ignore the tuggery that this revolutionary guard is famous for. It was his group that showed no respect for international law and attacked the US Embassy in Teheran. There is an arrest warrant for the killing of a prominent Kurdish leader. There are unrests in the Kurdistan province of Iran. Ironically the The Times reporters give an air of respect for Ahmadinejad's comments, by reporting him stating that his Islamic regime deserves all the international rights.

The truth is that the Islamic thugs have hijacked Iran, and have forced Iranian scientists to produce dangerous nuclear material. It is the people of Iran that are humble, not thugs like Ahmadinejad. It is the people of Iran that will one day produce a non violent national strike, and topple these thugs. It is towards that cause, that the reporters of The Times should concentrate on.

The last the international world should do, is to accept this barbarian as a representative of Iran. There are already moves to ban Ahmadinejad from addressing the UN next month. His brand of Islam is an insult to most moslems in the world, let alone those of us who do not accept Islam at all as a religion. Islam was forced upon Iran by Salman Parsi and his poodle Halabi Koreish (aka Mohammmed). Salman invaded the spiritual centre of Arabia at Mecca, and desicrated all the true holy symbols that were thousands of years old. Ask any Arabian Astrologer, and he or she will tell you, what Islam did to ancient holy spiritualism that existed in Mecca. No true Arab nationalist ever wanted to invade Iran. The Arabs and their way of life has always been respectful of the Iranian way of life, way way before any religion came around. Many Arabs, and Jews have ridden alongside Cyrus the Great, when he was spreading human rights across the world in the 6th Century BC.

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