It is nice to see the British press approve of ancient Persia

It is nice to see the British press approve of ancient Persia

The Times refers to it as, ancient secrets of a mighty empire. But I still have a chip on my shoulder, from the days when I was at a prominent British boarding school, and was teased day and night, about the 2500 years celebrations the late Shah of Iran had. Everyone called it a massive tea party. But if it was not for all the work that was done for the preparations of the festivities, we would not have had any extensive knowledge of the ancient heritage of Iran and the world. Iran represents a part of the world history, that is far too precious for anyone to destroy. Salman Parsi who ganged up with Halabi Koreishi (aka Mohammed) to invade Iran and do what Taliban did to Afghanistan, really did a thorough job of burning all the books of Arabia and Iran of the time, that had anything to do with Astrology, Philosophy of Arabs and Iranians. We had in Mecca, instead of this black box, a massive library, and holy treasures that were guarded by the most prominent Arab families. In Iran of course the library at Cteisphon (present day Baghdad) was very extensive. But the madmen created a dogma that gave them the license to kill. And of course now we have the gangsters in Iran trying to stop a wonderful exhibit in London. How the world has changed. For years we folks in London have visited with our friends and colleagues the British Museum to pay our respects to the treasures such as the Cylinder of Cyrus. The Iranians in UK will keep the honour of ancient Iran, even if the monsters in Qom would have none of it.

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