Errors of Edmund M. Herzig and BBC on ahMADinejad

Errors of Edmund M. Herzig and BBC on ahMADinejad

I woke up to the tune of BBC Radio 4 Today program this morning, to hear the announce the ahMADinejad's so called victory. What really annoyed me more than anything else, was the person that the interview they had, was with a Prof Edmund M. Herzig who stated that ahMADinejad was elected with a huge majority. In response, The BBC presenter said nothing. How can the BBC allow such blunders?

The madman was elected with only a third of the voting population. The maths is simple. He got 62.2% of the 26 million votes casted voted for Ahmadinejad. Simple arithmetic produces 16.17 million votes, of a voting population of 47 million, or around a third of the people voted for him.

Not that it matters anymore. I wrote to both of them, so that they know that some people are watching them, and they cannot be telling the wrong story to the British public (who couldn't care less anyway). If you feel the same, then drop an email, to the prof's email. It is [email protected]. And it is not the first or the last time; Fred Halliday used to do it to the Shahanshah. Daijan Napeleon philosophy wins.

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