Full Moon dividing the Islamic Democracy of Iran

Full Moon dividing the Islamic Democracy of Iran

Divisions have become apparent in Iran, as it goes into the second round of elections. How come? As I said before, the planets are so aligned that there is a lot more going on. It was not going to end on the 17th, and it has not. This is just the beginning. And the first round inconclusiveness proved just that.

Currently Mars is forcing people to decide their whole sense of morality, as it comes to opposition with Jupiter. The trigger will be at Full Moon on Wednesday. Discussion in Iran by the various losers, regarding which one of the two remaining candidates to support will be inconclusive.

The ruling apparatus and its supporters, are going to fight amongst themselves in public more and more, and the democratic process will bring issues to the fore that have not been brought up before. Either way, the people, and the unelected theocrats, will be unhappy with the final result. The democratic forces pulling it apart, are greater than the democratic forces pulling it together.

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