Iran Astrology: Death of the Shah of Iran and 1980 Eclipse.

Iran Astrology: Death of the Shah of Iran and 1980 Eclipse.

Iran Astrology: Death of the Shah and 1980 Eclipse.

Coincidence is a great thing. I was over at London, to see the Shah of Iran at the House of Commons yesterday. I then wrote an article over at my news blog.

With the Moon lining up over Mercury and Venus, which are opposite Pluto and square Uranus, any disagreements were going to certainly become apparent. And they certainly did. At least the "concensus" King knows what he is doing wrong.

And then this morning, we were all reflecting over all of this at the Prince Reza Pahlavi's Fan Club page on Facebook, when the date of the death of his father the previous King of Iran came up. Pure coincidence.

The Late Imperial Majesty of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (MRP) died on 27 July 1980. What makes this particular date interesting from an Astrological perspective, is that there was a Full Moon Eclipse on that day.

The forces that brought on the death of the Shah came to a boil on that Full Moon. So I have shown the time for the Full Moon not the actual time of the death.

The first thing that hits you is that the Eclipse falls at four degrees Amordad or Leo and Bahman or Aquarius. MRP was born on fourth of Aban or Scorpio. This date was always very much imprinted on the minds of any Iranian historian.

Mention the words "Chahareh Aban" in Persian to anyone from that generation and they will instantly link to it. It is much the same way as this generation link the words "Beastodo Bahman" to this awful regime.

Many of my readers are new to Astrology, so a little bit about Horary Astrology for you. As much as a birthday of someone is important as a space time signature, so an important event that creates a chain reaction is also.

First of all we need to ascertain whether this event was in itself a source for a set of events that followed it. In a human being we can see his or her life. In this instance I will look at the effect on the history of Iran.

Full Moon means change. And we got change. People ask me what changed Iran? Was it Khomeini's arrival or something else? I have always stated that if MRP was alive today Iran would not be in this state. That is a very strong statement to make and there are good reasons for it.

Just like a father is the head of a family, the King's role was an emotional affair. Whether we liked him or not he was the father. His generation and the two below him were very much influenced by him.

So when MRP died a number of people felt very strongly. Those that didn't, had no feelings for him either way. They were foreign and do not enter the equation.

So even if you were a die hard Communist or Islamist and hated MRP, you were influenced. Maybe you were happy he was dead but you were influenced. You all know I love The Royal Institution. So let's get that out of the way right from the start.

This form of analysis shows what the background to all this is and what the future holds. The Moon is in Bahman or Aquarius. The position of the Moon reflects the light from the past. The past then links to all the Bahman or Aquarian energies.

Full Moon in Bahman or Aquarius means a past of group expression. Corporations and of course political groups are first to come to mind. I really do not need to mention the uncanny, even exact link, to the moment of the inception of the Islamic Republic in Bahman the year before MRP's death.

So the past is fighting the Sun, which is the heart and the future in Amordad or Leo or The King. And we know that polarity is so evident now in Iran. The Sun or King or expression fun joy children glory risk property creativity all of that which Amordad is at loggerheads with politics and social networks.

To look forward and predict Astrologers look at the angles the planets are making to each other and what their meanings are. In simple terms certain elements of life are represented by certain planets. Like Venus is woman and Mars is man. Or Venus is love and Mars is war. It is not that black and white.

Now look at Venus. It is making a challenging angle to Neptune and Saturn. Neptune rules the spiritual, the dreams, the immaterial, oil, water just to mention a few. Saturn represents the government the high society, the hard choices. Now imagine that because the angles are bad, these three areas are not going to get along. And they have not. We know that for a fact.

The other area which pops out and hits you hard, is the angle Mercury is making to Pluto. Mercury is all about communication, transactions and neighbours. Pluto is all deep material connections, from loans to nuclear activities to wars. And it is really easy to say in hindsight, that we have massive problems in finances, wars, nuclear dealings and earthquakes.

Now look at the easy or not very difficult areas that are evident. Mercury makes easy angles to Uranus and Saturn. Mercury is in Tir or Cancer that deal with heritage family. Uranus deals with rebels and new age thinkers. Saturn deals with material foundations of society, such as Banks. So communication along heritage and rebels and hard assets is good. That is why old brotherhood links are strong in Iran. The political groups of ancient families are strong. And we can say that what has held Iran are the various strong families that have had the political network to wield power.

What is of immediate concern then. This is a bit hard core Astrology. You need to learn about progressed Astrology. Every year corresponds to a day after your birth. So Iran chart now is 29 August 1980. I have put that chart as well. It is for the time of Noon. So it is a bit ahead. The progressed Moon is making opposition to Pluto now. That is the trigger for nuclear, Earthquakes and financial challenges which we have had. Look at Mars just entering into Aban. That signifies great connection to His Imperial Majesty who is born on 9th. By the way Ahmadinejad is also born around that time. Little wonder that all popular people in Iran are early Abans.

With the progressed Moon and Mars making challenges to the natal Sun more changes are afoot. But this time Venus is making the great angle to Uranus and the women political system will be very strong. Justice will be better served to many aspects of society as Venus will make great angles to Saturn.

We have had a hard time. But it was necessary. Iran is now a Virgo country with very practical needs. With the Sun Mercury all lining up with Jupiter and in the long run with Saturn all in Virgo, we will see a power house of material productivity never seen before in West Asia.

It is hard to believe what I have written. You will think it stupid now. That is normal. But we are now at the precipice of a fantastic new Iran. It might become a conglomeration of very precise network of people but they will work like microchips in a computer. If anything we might become too dry and clinical in twenty years time, when the Sun lines up with Saturn. It might become too materialistic and logical and productive - things we cherish now.

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