New non-violent opposition inside Iran vs. old non-violent opposition outside Iran

New non-violent opposition inside Iran vs. old non-violent opposition outside Iran

This is the first time I have ever heard anyone in Iran talking about non-violent opposition. A Mr Hajarian in Iran, a so called "Reformer", we are led to believe, has the audacity to call the opposition movement outside Iran as illegal, and then speaks of non-violence for the first time.

One has to be pleased to see that at least in Iran people are talking the same language as us. But to see moslems in Iran to become non-violent is really asking too much. How can the moslems in Iran ever be able to take out all of the violent sentences in the Koran.

We all know how much liberty the Koran gives their believers to kill. We know how many astrologers, philosophers, poets, and countless other liberal minded politicians, have been publically rediculed and killed for the past 1400 years.

But we have to have faith. Welcome Mr Hajarian to our way of thinking. You might not accept the non-violent opposition outside Iran, but we will accept you, if you keep your word and really be non-violent. Time will tell.

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