Iran reformists: Once bitten twice shy

Iran reformists: Once bitten twice shy

Iranians are the most complacent people of the world. We have a word in Persian called "tarof". The nearest you get to it in English, is the description "feeling obliged to". The English do not have a word for it. When visiting an Iranian, you will notice, that the host will insist a lot. "Oh you must try this, please try it etc etc". They will demand, maybe even force you, to try that piece of confectionary.

So with that attitude, the reform movement is being coerced, to submit to one of the theocrats men. Everything is relative, and in Iranian politics, the people were shown a die-hard Hitler youth equivalent (Ahmadinejad), as the other choice, to make the old theocrat business man, as the saviour of Iran. It really is so sad, that the people, especially the so called reform movement, cannot tell the difference.

They do not realise, that the ship is being driven by a bunch of monkeys, and they they have to jump ship. They will stay in that rotten outdated 1400 year old banger, and bail out the water that is leaking in. Meanwhile the rest who jumped ship a long time ago, are waiting, and watching it all sink.

But the people of Iran, have seen through both these theocratic reformists, and the theocratic die-hards. Things will have to get worse of course, before they get better. And by worse, it does not mean riots and killing. Abstension and passive non violent resistance wins the war and the peace. And it will do it elegantly, and in a civilized manner; much more smoothly than any theocratic reformer can pretend to do.

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