Raising Iranian children in the modern world

Raising Iranian children in the modern world

Iranians had to flee to the other side of the world, in order to raise their children in the modern world. But once a year the Iranians abroad tell the world of their roots. One whole generation of Iranians have now settled abroad, mostly in North America. The children have found that they have a lot in common with the Christians, and many Christians have found that their roots comes from this very old Iranian Festival.

Iranian-Americans gather in Tracy for Persian New Year

- Happy 2007 Winter Solstice Or Iranian Yalda To All
The roots of Christmas are from Iran. The Iranian Astrologers understood the cycles of the planets, and knew of the famous delineation at 3BC, and Christ was seen as one of the Sayoshants. In most ancient cultures, including Persia, the start of the...

- Are Zoroastrians On The Endangered List?
In Zoroastrians on the endangered list: It states: "'They feel that the religion is not universal and is ethnic in nature, and that it should be kept within the tribe,' said Jehan Bagli, a retired chemist in Toronto who is a priest, or mobed,...

- The Word "islamist" And How It Will Save Iran
This is just the sort of headline I like to see. Notice the word "Islamist" in Iranian Islamist Talks Of "The Final War". That is what the world needs to do. It identifies them for what these people are. It does not make them mad, and at the same time...

- Tying A Knot On Sizdeh Bedar
Ask any Iranian what they will do on the 13th day of Spring, and they will tell you that they will be tying a knot of love. But it is more than that. It is rooted deep in the psyche of every Iranian that Goodwill and Love exists amongst all things. Iranian...

- Hard Or Soft Approach To Iranians
Immigrants all over the world, seem to always fall into three camps. The super rich, the rich and the poor. So it is in that regard, that we have three kinds of Iranian immigrants. The first two waves of super rich and rich went to EU and US respectively....

