February 2014 Astrological Forecast---Seek the Innerworld & Avoid Frustration
photo by Patricia Herlevi |
(These monthly forecast posts take several hours to research and type. If you find this information meaningful, please donate through PayPal on the right side of the blog. Donate $20+ US equivalent and receive a one-question reading as a gift).If we found January a challenging month, the situation grows in intensity in February. With the T-Square with Pluto/Venus in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer and Uranus in Aries (wide orb of 3 degrees) people are going to push for their various agendas. And this really is just a continuation of series of T-Squares that we will experience throughout this winter into next spring. In fact, we can call this a preview for April's intense transits (which we will get to in a future post). Venus drops out of the T-Square on February 15, leaving Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus to sort out their tensions.
The image I receive is a food fight with Jupiter in Cancer representing home, nutrition, self and other nurturing, mothers and food security, Pluto in Capricorn representing the established order under siege of the grassroots movements and Uranus representing the warrior side of all of us, the part of us that feels left out of business-as-usual. We will definitely see political battles over subsidies and entitlement programs. Will US politicians try again to cut food stamps and other programs to help the needy? Definitely keep your eyes open for that. And what will happen with other countries around the world and their food security programs? Children from low-income homes are most vulnerable during this period, but I think many of us will get on board programs to protect these children's rights. It's a tragedy when the wealthiest nations in the world won't feed their most vulnerable populations and that is a scenario we will visit this month. Capricorn and Cancer are conscientious signs.
Mercury moves into Pisces on February 1st and goes retrograde on February 6th, staying in Pisces until Valentine's Day when the communication planet slips back into Aquarius. So don't clobber your honey over the head if he or she spaces out or chooses not to act romantic on this day. Aquarius is not a romantic sign and both the Sun and Mercury will be in this sign causing many opportunities for miscommunication. I guess you can kiss and make up when Mercury goes direct again on February 27. From the 1st through the 14th when Mercury is in Pisces, this planet conjuncts Neptune (Pisces), but we won't experience an exact orb at least. This leaves us feeling foggier than usual which is why I'm getting to this post now, and not when I'm swimming in brain fog (Neptune rules brain fog). We will experience the most confusion between the 6th and the 13th. Prepare yourself for frustration and you might just take more time out for yourself during that time to meditate, go for long walks, and daydream.
The good news with the Mercury-Neptune conjunction is that it is an excellent time to go on a spiritual retreat, take yoga and meditation classes, and delve into spiritual work that calms the mind. The veils are thin between worlds and spirit communication opens up. However, practice caution when communicating with spirits. Open only to beneficial spirits or high-level spirit guides. People with addictions could experience more intense cravings during this time and I have a theory that spirits (in the form of alcohol and recreational drugs) attract negative entities, usually souls who still crave those substances and seek a physical body to experience those substances. So if you don't wish to dwell in some spirit's darker moments, protect yourself and refrain from recreational spirits, at least during the first two weeks of February.
The T-Square grows tighter around the 16th with retrograde Jupiter and Uranus forming an exact square on the 17th and continuing until the end of the month. The orbs between Jupiter/Uranus and Pluto widen by one degree by the month's end, but Pluto is still playing in the shadows. Also as the month comes to a close watch for Venus in Capricorn catching up with Mars in Libra, with an exact square on March 3rd. The good news is that Mars is in Venus' sign Libra so this could be about obtaining peace in a love relationship or working towards peace between the sexes.
South Hill Buddha |
Also around the 16th (keep an eye on this week), the North Node transits into Libra (as mentioned in earlier posts). We will feel a shift in energy and fate as the North Node enters a Cardinal Sign and we have an abundance of Cardinal energy already at play with Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto in Cardinal Signs and if you want to add asteroids, Ceres completes her transit in Libra on the 5th while Vesta continues her journey in late Libra until March 2nd. I'm thinking we are going to experience a month of women's issues, but also food security and motherhood that I mentioned already in this post. Ceres is connected to the Persephone myth and Vesta with the vestal virgins. See where those images take you.
Speaking of female asteroids (the ones I like best), Ceres transits into Scorpio on the 5th where she trines with Neptune with a 3 degree orb. Meanwhile Chiron and Juno form a conjunction until the 5th so it will be interesting to see what messages come up at this time, while Mercury is also conjuncting Neptune, first moving forward and then retrograde. Will we feel a stronger pull to our feminine sides? Surely this bodes well for anyone on a spiritual path who chooses to communicate with the spirit realm in the form of mediumship or channeling. Juno and Chiron also trine Jupiter with Juno moving on the 8th, but Chiron forming an exact trine with Jupiter from the 4th through the 9th. We can heal issues around food and self-nurturing now.
Meanwhile let's check in with Saturn in Scorpio at 22-23 degrees. The Aquarius Sun squares Saturn from the 8th to the 17th (going with a wide 5 degree orb for some of this) and exact on the 11th and 12th. Saturn squares Mercury RX exact on the 19th with a wider orb following until the end of the month, for your more transit-sensitive people. Saturn is going to bring discipline, while wanting us to slow way down and review our options with the Mercury RX. And those options will be with technology, science, and innovative solutions to climate change. It's a good time to review, reassess, but not a good time to launch any new plans. Wait until Mercury goes direct and returns to 3 degrees Pisces. Saturn and Juno form an exact trine at 23 degrees on the 19th. Again, we're returning to feminine territory of the home, hearth and with Saturn in the trine, scrutinizing what is and is not working for us.
Breakdown of February's Transits:
Mercury moves into Pisces on February 1stMercury goes retrograde February 6Mercury goes direct on February 27Mercury trines Neptune 1 - 13 (wide orb of 4 to 1 degree)Mercury RX squares Saturn on the 19th
Full Moon in Leo, February 14 (Valentine's Day)New Moon in Pisces, March 1st
Sun moves into Pisces, 18thSun squares Saturn, 8 - 17, exact on 11 and 12th
T-Square Jupiter/Uranus/Venus/Pluto until the 15thJupiter/Uranus/Pluto entire month with exact orb with Jupiter-Uranus from the 18 - 28(continues to March 7th)
Venus-Mars Square, 22nd until March 5th (Venus moves into Aquarius)Exact on March 3rdNot including the asteroids in this breakdown
Summary: If you don't expect too much romance on Valentine's Day and don't focus on getting your way in the romantic realm in February you will save yourself a lot of grief. People are going to space out this month, forget appointments, feel overwhelmed, tense and wanting to retreat to a peaceful place where they can gather their thoughts. We will feel like we are swimming in fog for the first two weeks of the month. The Full Moon in Leo could be troublesome with ego posturing in the area of romance. The Aquarius Sun and Mercury retrograde will feel like distancing themselves and we could just end up rationalizing romance and taking it to a hyper analytical place. But don't despair.
We could make a lot of inroads this month in the areas of nurturing, food security, nutrition, women's rights and children's rights if we keep our eyes on the bigger picture. This is not a month for focusing on our smaller selves, but we will forget this message with the Full Moon in Leo. We could open our hearts through meditation and spiritual practice. If this isn't what you want to hear, then you're in for some surprises.
I will take limited clients in February because this will be a challenging month for me with my own transits. For the first two weeks of the month I offer a $10 off discount on a full hour reading to Aquarius Sun, Moon and Rising Signs. During the last two weeks of the month into March, I offer the same discount to Pisces Sun, Moon and Rising signs.
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