Equinox, Sun in Libra and New Moon in Libra

Equinox, Sun in Libra and New Moon in Libra

As we move into the cycle of Libra, I remind you to live in balance with yourself, with the earth, with your body and with your community.  If partnerships of any kind are not built on solid ground they could break apart now.  

On the dietary side, watch sugar and salt intake because the Sun in Libra rules kidneys.  The North Node and New Moon plus Venus in Libra emphasize this alert to keep our kidneys healthy.  We also want to keep our weight in balance (scales) and our moods in balance (New Moon) so we don't blow situations out of proportion.  Later in October, Mercury RX travels back into Libra too.  Last but not least take good care of your pancreas so you don't suffer from blood sugar imbalances now.  Libra types especially receive this warning because you are likely to experience diabetes if you overindulge in sugary foods.

Make sure you drink enough water, cover your body in cold, damp and windy conditions.  On the relationship front, watch for your shadows as you project them onto to partners, friends, co-workers, etc.  There is a tendency to gossip now or talk behind people's backs.  I don't recommend this behavior for two reasons: 1) If you gossip about others, they also gossip about you.  And 2) Gossiping never solves any problems you have with others nor does it make you better than the person you gossip about.  Gossiping only shows how insecure you are.  No one trusts a gossip and you reap repercussions from your actions.  Use the Aries polarity and gather the courage to confront others directly and solve problems directly.  (When the Sun or New Moon are in Gemini or Libra we have a tendency to gossip).

If you stay in balance and integrity during this New Moon cycle you avoid some of the catastrophes of the Uranus-Pluto Square also in Cardinal Signs and later forming a T-Cross with the upcoming Full Moon.  Keep your hats on and stay in balance.  This is the message of the New Moon in Libra and the Fall Equinox.

I am an astrologer an intuitive coach in Bellingham, Washington.  At the moment, I am only giving online readings with the Pay Pal option.  Sign up for a reading at Metaphysics for Everyday Living and use the PayPal on this blog.  Thank you and I look forward to reading your stars.

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